Thursday, October 13, 2005

Regionals Mix

So I found one of the several CDs that I made for regionals and just remembered how much I like the title for the mix.

BRDM Regionals: No, I expect you to die.

Name the reference.


I'm hoping we can continue to get good numbers for pickup, ideally if a few more BRDMers could show up we'd be able to play ulimate instead of goaltimate. Though I must say goaltimate was good stuff.

I'm going through real ultimate withdrawl. DABUT was fun, but come one beach ultimate is like the homerun derby of ultimate.

Hope to see you on Sunday, 12pm Polo Fields.

If you know any Bonders, Ono-philes, or AAS-holes invite them as well.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Alexia!

Happy Birthday, Ms McCaskill. It was nice that 40 years ago you were born...and because of that we all got to go out and eat delicious Indian food. Odd, when your parents think of the miracle of your birth, I'm guessing they don't mean its capacity to compell usually scruffy ultimate players to clean themselves up, remove their cleats and sit together in civil conversation. But hey, to each their own.

Happy Birthday to the Big Red Death Machine's General Counsel.